Why Live The Keto Life

Benefits of living the Keto life.

I’m sure by now you are wondering why you should transform your whole way of thinking and your whole way of eating…….Yes, I said your way of thinking. All of our lives we have been told to steer clear of high fat foods and have been conditioned to eat carb filled foods instead. Reprogramming my mind is beyond a doubt the biggest obstacle I had to overcome when starting this WOE. We should not be afraid of healthy fats, we should embrace them.

I bet you are currently asking yourself what are the benefits of eating and living Keto…..well I am going to tell you. You can thank me later lol.

Benefits of Keto

1. Aids In Weight Loss

It takes more work to turn fat into energy than it takes to turn carbs into energy. Because of this, a keto diet can help speed up weight loss. And since the diet is high in protein, it doesn’t leave you hungry like other diets do. However, due to the many other benefits of Keto weight loss should be thought of as a bonus not a goal.

2. Reduces Acne

There are a number of different causes of acne, and one may be related to diet and blood sugar. Eating a diet high in processed and refined carbs can alter gut bacteria and cause more dramatic blood sugar fluctuations, both of which can have an influence on skin health. Therefore, by decreasing carb intake, it’s not surprising that a Keto diet could reduce some cases of acne.

3. Help Reduce Risk Of Cancer

The ketogenic diet has recently been investigated a great deal for how it may help prevent or even treat certain cancers. One study found that the Keto diet may be a suitable complementary treatment to chemotherapy and radiation in people with cancer. This is due to the fact that it would cause more oxidative stress in cancer cells than in normal cells. Other theories suggest that because the Keto diet reduces high blood sugar, it could reduce insulin complications, which may be associated with some cancers.

4. Improves Heart Health

When the Keto diet is followed in a healthy manner (which considers avocados a healthy fat instead of pork rinds), there is some evidence that the diet can improve heart health by reducing cholesterol.

5. Improves Health in Women With PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with cysts. A high-carbohydrate diet can negatively affect those with PCOS.

There aren’t many clinical studies on the ketogenic diet and PCOS. One pilot study that involved 5 women over a 24-week period found that the ketogenic diet:

  • increased weight loss
  • aided hormone balance
  • improved luteinizing hormone (LH)/follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratios
  • improved fasting insulin

6. Improved Energy and mood.

Needing less sleep, having a clearer mind and being in a better mood are all benefits of Keto. Lower insulin levels means tiredness disappears and energy increases. These changes will happen quickly. Usually within the first week of being in ketosis.

Eat Happy

The above mentioned may be the greatest benefits, but there are far more that you will experience if you will commit yourself to living Keto. I have had family and friends ask me how long do I plan on being on this “diet”. My answer is always the same…..I am not dieting, I am living a much happier and healthier life.


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